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Empower Yourself

Adopting the empowerment paradigm requires an in depth understanding of the nature of interaction, systems, ourselves, and the other objects in our environment. Further, it is not a specific task to be accomplished but a continual process of developing, practicing, and refining our way of perceiving and interacting with the world around us. In order to understand the paradigm and how to adopt it we recommend that you download and read our free overview of empowerment: Empowerment Book I: Fundamentals, or our more in depth book, Empowerment Book II: Foundation. You can purchase a hard copy or download them free here. They explain the concepts underlying empowerment as well as the paradigm itself, the core assumptions on which it is based, and the reason those assumptions are essential to empowerment. These core assumptions include:


  1. Pursue truth and spurn deceptiveness.

  2. Focus on the spiritual over the physical.

  3. Maximize creation and minimize destruction from an objective standpoint, seeking to eliminate personal bias.

  4. Influence interactions by controlling yourself rather than others.

  5. Focus on relationships and processes in preference to objects and goals.

  6. Maximize freedom of choice and freedom to reap the consequences. Persuade by word and example only. Never try to coerce others, but also don't interfere with the results of their bad choices unless they have recognized that the choice was bad and are determined to correct it. Otherwise they will continue to make the same bad choices and you will be hampering their empowerment rather than helping.

  7. Use resources wisely - for maximum objective, long term benefit rather than for personal, short term benefit.


If you'd like to get started on the road to empowerment - on applying these core assumptions to your own life - here are some tips:


  1. Develop a plan to begin integrating the empowerment paradigm into your life. Memorize the core assumptions listed above as well as the others, as described in either book, and meditate on them regularly. Think about how you can apply them to your life and how they can help you be happier and benefit you in other ways. The remainder of the items in this list are suggestions you can use toward this end.

  2. Develop a close personal relationship with God through prayer, contemplation, and practicing love toward others. The books explain why this is necessary. Regardless of your specific religious beliefs, as long as you base your beliefs on a loving God, this will help you on the road to empowerment.

  3. Cultivate objectivity.

    • Make a habit of trying to see things from all relevant points of view.

    • Be open and honest with everyone except the untrustworthy. Keep your promises and never deliberately deceive anyone. This is especially important when dealing with children.

    • Continually try to better discern and understand the truth.

  4. Use the principle of maximizing creation and minimizing destruction to guide you in all of your activities, especially when making important or difficult decisions. Periodically evaluate the quality of your choices and actions in light of this principle to determine how you can follow it more perfectly in the future.

  5. Influence interactions primarily by controlling yourself.

    • Eat healthily, exercise regularly, study diligently, pray often, and recreate constructively in ways that refresh the soul and mind rather than bogging them down in excessive sensual pleasure.

    • Do not make important decisions when angry, hurt, or otherwise emotionally compromised.

    • Keep a reign on your tongue. Speak only out of a genuine desire to help and encourage others and to propagate the truth. Never engage in gossip or other hurtful speech. Never speak in anger, but get control of your emotions before speaking so that you communicate as objectively and accurately as you can.

    • Increase your happiness by focusing on activities that are fulfilling and improving the quality of your relationships rather than indulging in unproductive pleasures and amusements. Derive pleasure and amusement from activities that refresh and develop the mind, body, and spirit.

  6. Focus on the process of self development rather than on achieving specific goals. While goals can be helpful in motivating yourself, see them as means rather than ends.

  7. Focus on developing others rather than manipulating them. This is best done by using persuasion based on truth rather than deception or coercion. If someone refuses to heed your advice you should allow them to deal with the consequences of their decision, whether positive or negative. If the consequences are negative then they can learn from their mistake. If positive then you may be able to learn from their example. This does not mean that you should allow children, the mentally disabled, or others who can't reasonably be expected to foresee the consequences of their actions to do things that will harm themselves or others. Neither does it mean you should stand idly by while someone does something that is clearly likely to harm others. In both of these cases minimizing destruction demands intervention. However, attempt intervention only to the extent necessary to minimize destruction.

  8. Use resources wisely and objectively.

    • Conserve wherever possible. Recycle. Turn off lights, water, and other appliances when not in use. Don't waste food or other consumable resources.

    • Be charitable with money, time, and other resources. Share with those who are in need through no fault of their own and those who are trying to better themselves. Lend a helping hand, not grudgingly but cheerfully. However, do not waste resources on loafers or others who would squander them, even if they are your own family or children. If you don't allow them to suffer the consequences of their bad choices they will not change. If at any point they truly repent then be ready to help them in reforming their life.

    • Time is precious. Use it wisely. Education and development, of yourself as well as others, are prudent uses of time. Activities that do not promote physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual well being and development are poor uses of time.


If you don't understand the empowerment paradigm after studying this web site and the books, or you're not sure how to apply the tips listed above to your own life, please don't hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to help you.

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